Saturday, January 28, 2012

A little tour of where we live :) Ive tried to show most people through skype but I think this makes it a little easier to see!

This is the Logan Valley!!

This is our cute little house! We are the little entrance off to the left of the front entrance. and I thought this was pretty funny... we have to use old skeleton keys!!

Our bedroom...

... Magically tranforms into our living room!! We love having our futon, it makes the space alot bigger when people come over and the memory foam cover we got makes it just as comfy as any bed! The size works perfect, Alex and I fit just well enough that we dont have to sleep touching all the time, though most of the time I wake up to him cuddling me anyways haha


This is our little bathroom, I tried to get a picture of the shower which is off to the right behind the door, but it didnt work haha its too small in there!

This is our kitchen, the second and only other room in our home :) But it has been a perfect size for Alex and I and I love it. It also serves as the homework table until we buy a desk for the living room haha we have been looking at one that mounts on the wall and folds back up against it when we arent using it! Super nice for that room becasuse there isnt much room as it is.

This is a picture taken from one end of the apartment to the other. Just to show you exactly how small it really is haha
The right corner (with our backpacks and HUGE printer), is where we will put up a desk :)

And this is our view from our front door :) Alex and I have made a goal to try and go 3 times a month. shouldnt be too hard since it takes 40 seconds to get there!!


  1. Kensey, it looks like you are having a great time where your at. What a beautiful valley you live in, and so lucky to be right across from the temple. It's great to see that you are looking on the bright side of living in a small space. It looks nice and cozy.

    Robyn's first place she lived in when she moved to Toronto was just about as small as yours (they didn't have a stove they had to use hot plates, and they only had a mini fridge, but they did have a separate bedroom from the living room) but it was painted bright neon lime green! And at first you would think that was fun, but only till it gave you a headache, luckily yours looks like it is a nice white colour that you can add colour to to spice it up. Have fun!

    I am excited that you have a blog, keep it up!

  2. Such a cute place!! You will be happy that you took these pictures and wrote your thoughts about your space...and the fun details like skeleton keys!! I like that :) The first place you live together is so special and you'll always have fun memories of it! Glad you are doing good and happy! :)
